Amiga Format CD 44
Amiga Format CD44 (1999-08-26)(Future Publishing)(GB)(Track 1 of 3)[!][issue 1999-10].iso
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Text File
325 lines
Short: Calculation for money makers
Author: Dirk Neubauer
Uploader: dirk.neubauer@guestrow.netsurf.de
Type: biz/misc
Version: 0.4
- TurboCalc-Sheet for a simple calculation -
- of pure profit out of investments -
Sometime I wanted to compare some kinds of investments (fonds of stocks,
securities, estates, deposits etc.). The reason was to find out the pure
profit made. The only thing I want to know is the investment which yields the
most money. That was the reason for creating this sheet. Till now you can use
it for fonds of stocks, estates and securities distributing the profit. For
fonds thesauring maybe some small changes are needed, this will probably be
done in the next releases. Also I want to do some changes for deposits month
by month, but it's a little bit difficult to do. The sheet supports yet random
calls following the first one. If you've only straight bonds, you don't need
such a sheet, because of fixed interest rates. The values calculated by this
sheet are not correct to the last cent, but usable. I don't need more
accuracy. The calculated "profits" are more accurate the longer the runtime
is. If you want more features for this sheet, then you should contact me.
My address:
email: dirk.neubauer@guestrow.netsurf.de
snail-mail: Dirk Neubauer
Bgm.-Dahse-Straße 14A
18273 Guestrow
Phone: +0049-03843-843362
- spreadsheet program (TurboCalc, FinalCalc, Excel, Lotus 1-2-3 etc.)
The sheet was created on:
Amiga1200T/040 40MHz OS3.1 32MB-RAM Picasso2+/Picasso96, FlickerMagicT
with use of TurboCalc 5.02
It was also tested on:
Amiga500 7MHz OCS OS3.0 1MB Chip 8MBFast 1.6GB-HD + TurboCalc V3.5
Amiga1200 030/882 50 MHz OS3.1 18MB-RAM + TC4.0/5.0
Amiga1200 PPC603e160+68040/5 48MB Fast BVision CGX_V3 SCALOS 1.2a + TC3.5
Amiga4000T CSPPC604e200+68060/50 2MB Chip 144 MB Fast PicassoIV + TC 3.5/4.0
Shapeshifter/MAC 1MB-ROM, System7.51, 16MB RAM, 68030/50, Excel 5.0 +
(SYLK format)
PC/WinNT4, PentiumII 300 MHz, Excel97/98 + (SYLK format)
This text was written by use of CygnusEd V4.20 and GoldEd Studio 5.0.6
There is NO warranty for the correct function of this sheet. It is not tested
on other as the described systems (above). The export formats are not tested
very good because of rare possibilities. There's no responsibility or
liability for damages on hard- and software or data by use or misuse of this
sheet. And there's no warranty for correct working of this sheet in every
Usage of the sheet
There are various drawers. One for every supported language. You must look
for your favourite one. In the ATO.readme you can look for all supported
Please load the version you need:
FondsCalc.TCD for use with TurboCalc 3.5+ (maybe earlier, too)
FondsCalc.slk (SYLK-Format for use with other spreadsheets)
The import function of the sheet by SYLK are tested successfully with Excel5
(MAC) and Excel97 (WinNT). In Excel you should note, that the switch "Use
alternative formulas" under options is activated. Otherwise instead of
formulas the values were imported, which also exists at the SYLK file. I don't
have experience in use of Lotus 1-2-3. There are some restrictions by use of
the SYLK format, which will be described below.
The names of the columns are easy to understand, I hope. Nevertheless users of
TC4.0/5.0 have a small advantage, they can use cell notes, if the statusbar is
activated (global settings). Then you get for every cell, that contains
values, little notes about the reason and creation (manual entry or
calculation) of this value. (Every fonds has its own sheet. This way it is
easier to manage, I think.)
Small notes:
The default font is 'cgtimes'. This font is good for WYSIWYG and printing.
Besides, it is delivered with original workbench. The headline is fixed to use
this font. If you want to change the font, you only have to change the default
font (in TurboCalc!). Besides, I must say I use a screen mode of 800x600x256
for TurboCalc.
There are modifications for colours for background and foreground on some
cells. I've used all possible colours, and so you must change the used
palette, if you have less than 32 cols. Otherwise there could be text in
colour 'white'. This case appeared during testing on A500/OCS. By use of the
SYLK sheet no settings for colours or fonts were imported.
The iteration settings for calculations in TurboCalc were set to 2 and saved
(Sheet/Settings/Calculation...). This became necessary, because after taking
the tax into account, the interest was not re-calculated. If you use a
different spreadsheet software, you should set it up accordingly. Because
"iterative calculation" is only supported since V4.0 by TurboCalc, users of
TurboCalc V3.5 have to choose "Command/Recalculate" after changing "Actual
value" (or any other) for correct calculation at every cell.
In cell A1 is the title. For XX you can insert needed names. These are the
kind of fonds, the name of it, the company and bank, too.
Performance of the value for the fonds Weka-Nord (Corporation Nord-Invest) on
Vereins- und Westbank.
In cell A5 you should insert number of shares by your call. There are
possibilities for sharing parts, and therefore no integer value in this cell.
Shares from following calls you can insert into cells A8 and A11. If you don't
own such shares, please insert 0 there. If three cells are less than you need
for calling shares, please contact me. At the SYLK format no settings for the
structure of numerical values were imported.
In cell B5 you should insert the value of a share by calling (in Euro). In
this value the spread for the call is integrated, of course. In cell B6 the
value in your currency appears. The cells B8/B9 and B11/B12 are planned for
following shares. If you don't own such shares, please insert 0 there.
For all details to currency in this sheet: After the value the abbreviated
currency is showing. You should change it, if you use another currency as the
default (EUR, DM), because it's only normal text. In this case you only have
to change the text in cells C5/C6. All other texts are updated automatically.
In cell M20 you should insert the exchange factor for your currency. This
value describes how much of your currency are 1 Euro. The default value is
1.95583 for German marks (DM).
In cell D5 (yellow cell) you should regularly insert the actual value for a
share (in Euro) for getting a real calculation. Of course, that means the
value for cash out shares. This cell is the only one, which you have to hold
in current status by yourself. The entries in all other cells are only to set
by start. In cell D6 the value appears in your currency.
In cells F5/F8/F11 the differences between the value by today and by call is
appearing (in Euro). A negative value describes a loss (especially in the
weeks and months after call as direct result of the spread). In cells
F6/F9/F12 the same values for your currency is appearing.
In cell H5 the date for the call is needed. The cells H8/H11 are planned for
dates of the calls for following shares.
In cell I5 appears the current date.
In cell A16 the number of shares is specified, which are called with the cash
out. It contains only "won" profit, so it's an 100% tribute, of course.
In cell J5 the difference for the performance (in Euro) for the time of one
year is given. If the call isn't one year ago, there could be relatively big
gains or losses. That depends on the speculation times for which no real
predictions are possible. Securities and estates should show useful values
after a few months already. After first cash out there should be normal values
for fonds of stocks, too. In cell J6 are the same values for your currency.
In cell I20 you should insert the appropriate costs of your depot (in %).
example: 0.00125 means 0.125% (1 means 100%)
At SYLK format no settings for structure of numerical values were imported, and
so in this cell appears the decimal instead of the percent value, p.e.
In cell I21 you should insert the counts of paying these costs during one year.
(usual values are 4 to payment per quarter).
In cell J20 you should insert the appropriate costs for the managing (in%).
example: 0.00125 means 0.125% (1 means 100%)
In cell J21 you should insert the counts of paying these costs during one year.
(usual values are 4 to payment per quarter).
If there are no such costs needed for your investment, or these already
calculate into the performance, then you should insert 0% in the appropriate
In cell L20 the tax rate is needed. In Germany the tax for cash out is about
30.5%. There is a small amount of cash out, which is free of tax (999 DM).
Please contact me for other values or calculation models for your country.
In cell L21 the amount of cash out is needed, which is free of tax. In Germany
there are 999 DM.
In cell B22 the total amount of money for the call (in Euro) is given. In cell
B23 is the same value for your currency.
In cell D22 the current amount of the investment (in Euro) appears. That is
the value you get by put today. In cell D23 is the same value for your
In cell F22 the current amount of the investment after taxation (in Euro)
appears. That is the value you get by put today, and have to give a part to
your government. In cell F23 is the same value for your currency.
In cell L5 the true profit (in %) is given. There are already all appropriate
costs included.
In cell M5 appears the yearly "interest rate". Because a fonds of stocks
doesn't cash out an interest rate, I "invented" this value to compare it with
normal straight bonds. This value describes the theoretical interest rate for
a straight bond with the same tribute as the appropriate fonds. This value is
highly accurate and a very good thing for comparing.
v0.1 - first public version
v0.2 - improvements for compatibility to MS-Excel
- slovenian translation
v0.3 - Improvement in the calculation
v0.4 - Adding cell notes as small "online help"
- Rework for SYLK-Export
- Improvement on clarity (texts for currencies)
Thanks to:
- Michael Friedrich for TurboCalc
- Ossowskis Schatztruhe for highly usable Amiga-Soft
- my father for introduction to money bussiness
- my brother for testing this sheet on his A500
- Horst Schumann for testing this sheet on his system and proofreading this
readme file
- Ronald Schmiers for testing this sheet on his system and his numerous
suggestions, tips and infos.
- Michael Becker for testing this sheet on his system
- Dale Frameli for his suggestions
- ATO members for translations
- all users, which mailed me
- the financial arm of the German government :->
Future ideas
- Manual in guide or html format ?
- Improvements in the layout (cols, fonts etc.?
- Add-on for fonds thesauring (sure!)
- Add-on for costs of depots with fixed values ?
- Add-on for calls month by month (VL) REALLY SURE!
- Improved calculation for taxes
- Fixing of bugs ?!?
- Localisation for many languages and specific adaptations for these countries
- Calculation with inflation ?
- Your suggestions....
- TurboCalc is copyright by Michael Friedrich 1993-98
- FinalCalc is copyright by Softwood
- Excel is copyright by MicroSoft
- Lotus 1-2-3 is copyright by Lotus
- CygnusEd is copyright by CygnusSoft-Software
- Amiga is copyright by AmigaInc.
This sheet is mailware, that means, it's nice for me to get a message from
people using this sheet (email, postcard etc.). It would be nice to know,
who's using this sheet. Besides on this way I get suggestions, criticism etc.
very quickly.
June '99